Game Idea

Game Idea Return Traffic Multi-Player What they play

True simultaneous multiplayer action would be extremely risky. These risks are technical, financial, creative and event oriented.

  •  The technology is far from stable and it is not cheap. The multiplayer socket server alone (eg: Xadras Fortress) has a five-figure license fee. It will also consume programming resources on both the client and server side.
  • In a tight schedule like this,  multiplayer functionality will demand much of the creative attention. This will be robbed from actual gameplay tuning.
  • A multiplayer game also runs the risk of emptiness. Unless a critical mass is met, players find themselves in a ghost town. This has a self-fulfilling result, and is a grave risk -even during the peak hours- for any game that does not have a large off-site (and off-web) promotional budget.

Our design offers multiplayer experience while avoiding all these risks.

  • It is day-by-day: We deliver to a player his daily results compared to all other players. . This can happen both at the end of play and by follow-up "results" email. Both require only simple, reliable web  technology,.
  • It is asynchronous: We compare your  Day One results against all players who finished Day One - even if it was four days ago. This assures a full game.