Gas-Hogs Rule.

Gas-Hogs now control every drop of oil on the planet.

The Gas-Hogs operate the Peak Oil Company which has oil wells, refineries and gas stations on every continent.

Of course, to keep rolling, everyone needs gas. So now we must buy it from Peak Oil.

How did the Gas-Hogs get control of all the oil?
Not by playing nice, that's for sure.

Gas-Hogs Ruin.

Gas-Hogs are pigs.
Pigs love to wallow in filth.

They ruin the land as they root around for oil.
They tromple the earth into a foul mash of mud and tar.
They smear the sky with greasy black smoke and terrible red flames, day and night.

This is still our beautiful planet Earth, but brothers and sisters, it looks like Hell!

It doesn't have to be like this, so why do we let them mess up the world?
Because we need oil.

Evolution Now

People aren't changing. But the machines are.


Bio-mimetic engineers design new machines using living creatures as models.

This was a generation of clever new vehicles: They think for themselves. They drive themselves. They even design themselves.

They decided to boost their own design by transcoding the DNA of brave animals into the blueprints of powerful vehicles.

The results are the Mechanimals.

The Mechanimals

Mechanimals need gasoline. This enslaves them to Peak Oil.
Inside, the animal DNA is outraged!

Animals fight to be free! They are not sheep. (Except, of course, the sheep.)

On the other hand, Mechanaimals love human guidance. Grab the joystick. You drive. They want to work with you. They hope to learn from you.

It is a good team.

Against the brute strength of a Mechanimal and your big brain, the Gas-Hogs don't stand a chance.

You can deny the hungry jaws of Peak Oil, and liberate the abused land.

Pick a good Mechanimal and join the rebellion. Fight the Gas-Hogs. Break their greasy grip on power.

Just always make sure that you have enough fuel to keep fighting.

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